Wednesday, December 16, 2015

How My Meyers Briggs Will Help Me Develop In My Career

I took the Meyers Briggs personality test recently and was pleasantly surprised with my results. According to the test I am personality ENFJ, the Protagonist. People with ENFJ personality types are natural leaders and firmly believe in others. This personality type only makes up 3% of the population and some of the most influential people in history and pop culture are ENFJ's. As a person who will be soon graduating next March, I though that knowing my Meyers Briggs personality will give me an advantage, set me apart from others, and will help me develop in my career.

A few famous ENFJ's

Here are 4 ways my Meyers Briggs will help me develop in my career.

1. I don't let myself stress out

As a full-time student who works nearly full-time hours I have a lot on my plate, but I don't let it get to me. The way I see it is, the situation that I'm currently in won't last for very long and the potential for success is what keeps me going. Having balance and knowing my limits allow me to cope with stress a lot easier than others and of course not overwhelming myself and making time for family and friends.

2. My strengths over power my weaknesses

Utilizing my strengths will definitely help further me in my career. I consider my weaknesses as also strengths, because acknowledging my weaknesses will help me learn and improve on them.

Some of my strengths as an ENFJ are:
  • Tolerant
  • Reliable
  • Charismatic
  • Altruistic
  • Natural leader
  • Overly idealistic
  • Too selfless
  • Too sensitive
  • Fluctuating self-esteem
  • Struggle to make tough decisions

Couldn't agree more
3. I strive to inspire others

As an ENFJ my aspiration in life is to connect with others, spread knowledge, and inspire. What motivates me in my career and in life is producing meaningful work and making the world a better place. I am always passionate about the work that I do. I would like to leave the world knowing that I have helped someone and have inspired them to do something great with their lives or career.
4. I feel what others are feeling

I'm a very intuitive person and often put myself in other people's shoes. I enjoy getting to know the people I'm surrounded with at work and at school. Learning about their life and understanding what makes them tick is fun for me and makes for a better working environment. Often times I find myself sticking up for others when I know that they can't. Working in retail for most of my life and for really crappy companies, I have seen the worst in people. I am concerned about ethical business practices and teaching others what is acceptable.

Get ready for more of me in 2016

As a soon to be graduate, I feel that these characteristics from my Meyers Briggs will help set me apart from my competition in the professional field. As an ENFJ I hope that I can make a difference in this world by becoming a leader by inspiring others and using my skills to the best of my abilities.

Are you and ENFJ like myself? What are some experiences that you have had good and bad with your personality type? Comment down below!

Submerge Yourself in Your Mind, Not Your Phone

5 Ways to Become More Mindful

We are currently in the age of technology, it is growing at a rapid pace and we are all trying to keep up. Whether scrolling through Facebook, liking pictures on Instagram, or retweeting tweets on Twitter, we are constantly connected on our phones or tablets. I have been in many situations where everyone at the dinner table are more interested in whats going on in their phones rather than spending the time having a fun or meaningful conversation with one another. I have also been in the situation where my family went on a vacation and my mom decided to scroll through Facebook than looking at the beautiful scenery surrounding her. I have noticed these habits forming through my family, friends, and strangers and I try to avoid these habits. I enjoy being connected to technology, but also enjoy being disconnected and submerging myself in the present.

To help you, here are 5 ways to become more mindful.

1. Put down your phone 

This is an easy task to do, but one thats easy to break. We are in the habit of grabbing our phones for everything. To make a call, text, check the time, or to pass that time. Be considerate of who is around you. If you're having lunch with someone, put your phone down. If you're on vacation, put your phone down. If you're at a party or social gathering, put your phone down.

2. Find time for a hobby

I should follow my own advice on this one, but it's helpful. Doing something that you genuinely enjoy will help you become more mindful. Like art? Try painting or photography. (with a film camera, not your phone) Getting fidgety from putting down your phone? Try knitting. Or just take 20 minutes out of your day to write a journal about things on your mind. There are many outlets to express yourself creatively and mindfully.

3. Be conscious of what you're putting into your mind and body

As a person who loves to eat junk and drink craft beer, this is the hardest task for me. I enjoy indulging in fattening foods and grabbing that after the bar taco shop burrito, but I know these indulgences will soon catch up. Also, binge watching reality tv shows do not help either. Watching people complain about their lives or seeing women in these shows bring other women down is not a positive though to have. Having a balance diet and amount of reality tv can help with becoming more mindful.

4. Travel and have new experiences

The first thing that comes to my head about being mindful is being cultured. Understanding other peoples perspectives and where they have came from is a major trait to have. Ways to do that is to gain experiences by traveling, and when I say traveling, I mean by going to other countries or cities that are unfamiliar to you and learning about it's culture. And while traveling, make sure to put your phone down.

5. Meditate

Meditation is the key element in becoming more mindful. To just sit and clear your mind of all the stress and anxiety that life brings us. Finding the opportunity to sit and meditate might be hard, but it doesn't have to be for a very long time. Meditating for 15 minutes can change your whole mood and relax you for the rest of your day.

Do you have any tips that you'd like to share? Comment down below, I'd love to read what you have to add!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Top 5 Leadership Skills for 2016

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Working in a team setting is required in most positions. Whether working in retail, are an entrepreneur, or work in an AD agency, a team is essential. In order for a team to function fluidly, there needs to be a person who can get everyone motivated, succeed, and someone who will inspire others to create and think of new ideas. There's a difference between managing and leading, and there are certain characteristics that a leader should possess. Throughout my work history, I have had the pleasure of leading a team and have worked with different kinds of leaders. Here are my top five leadership skills for 2016.

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  • Honesty

A leader's team is a reflection of them. In my experience, I always appreciated it when someone was honest with themselves and their team. It shows that a person has values and are ethical when it comes to how a team should function.

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  • Communication
Communication especially in a team is key. Understanding the concept and what is to be accomplished needs to be clear. As a leader, being able to communicate clearly and describe what needs to be done is extremely important. Everyone involved all need to be working toward the same goal

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  • Creativity

It is the duty of a leader to think outside the box and to be there as guidance for the team. During the creative process it is important for the leader to take in any and all ideas, this is where the fun begins and where the leader can see who it's team members are that have potential. Also, don't take the first idea and run with it, that's not the best practice.

  • Inspire
Every inspiring leader is passionate, not about the product itself but the amount of work that goes into it. Nothing extraordinary ever happened without a leader and a vision. A leader is important for a team in generating enthusiasm and focusing on future goals.

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  • Positive Attitude
One bad apple can ruin the bunch, so a leader should make sure that they keep the team motivated and energy levels up. There will be off days of course, but make it easier on the them. Possibly providing snacks, coffee, advice, or a shoulder to cry on. A leader shouldn't solely just be a leader, but also a person of balance.

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Do you have anything to add to this list? Comment down below about other characteristics a leader should have. I would love to read about your experience.

Also, if you would like to learn more, here are some interesting articles that I think could help you!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My 5 Favorite Motivational Quotes

As a full time student working my way through college, I have thought countless times of giving up. There were times that everything that could go wrong went wrong all at once. I have been late on car payments, late on school work, and failed an important test. At one point I had negative in my bank account and had to resort to selling my old clothes and live off of cup-of-noodles until I got paid for two weeks. In order for me to get through those tough college times I read and watched motivational speeches and books. I would say those were the lowest points in my life so far. It could have been worse, but it also could have been prevented.

I have listed 5 of my favorite motivational quotes in no particular order, hopefully they could be of use to others as they were to me.

During those times of struggle I was thinking that nothing was going to turn around for me. Thinking negatively not only affects myself, but also the work that I was producing. Until I realized that what I am projecting was not good for me or for me work.

This quote by Janet Mock hits home pretty well. When I graduated from high school I had no idea what I wanted to do. Out of nowhere I decided to study pharmacy, the only thing that drew me to that field was money. I wasn't thinking about if I would enjoy being a pharmacist, just the aspect of money. It wasn't until I got through two semesters that I realized I hated what I was doing. My advice is to choose time being spent wisely, because it cannot be given back.

I love C.S. Lewis, a wonderful author and a man who knows whats up. Like I he says, if I could get through hardships in life like late car payments, failing grades, and a negative bank account, what comes after those struggles are greater accomplishments.

Pursuing a dream can be scary, not knowing the outcome of success is enough for some to take an easier road. I commend those who are able to say "eff it" and chase a dream. Even though I have not yet done that, I am still working up the courage to do so. Thanks to Walt Disney for being the man of making dreams happen.

I don't know who wrote this quote, but it is pretty accurate. I would hate to being doing something with my life that I wasn't proud of or embarrassed to say I was doing. Creating that life is not supposed to be easy, but I'm completely fine with working up to that lifestyle I want to achieve.

If you have any motivational quotes that have helped you get through some hardships, comment below!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Understanding Generational Differences in the Workforce

The workforce is a mix of generations from millennials to baby boomers, it is a challenge but also an opportunity for companies. Take into consideration the differences between generations, communication styles, work habits, and what motivates them to succeed. Some of these differences can cause challenges and sometimes resistance, but it is important for companies to understand them and be flexible with their multigenerational employees.

Here are a few ways to understand generational differences in the workforce:

Avoid Stereotypes especially the negative ones. There are many stereotypes regarding the feeling of entitlement from millennials, the stubbornness from baby boomers to learn new technology, and the lack of team effort from Gen Xers. Just because these stereotypes are out there does not make them all true. This is important to employers as stereotypes can be false and something that they shouldn't consider when hiring or categorizing employees.

Learn their communication styles. Millennials are known for being constantly connected and prefer to text and email over the traditional phone call while their counter part of baby boomers tend to pick up the phone or talk face-to-face. Gen Xers sway between the two of choosing to either talk on the phone or through email. Knowing each generations communication style is important because it will show effort on the employers part

Find out what motivates them. Each generation work for different reasons. Baby boomers are motivated by the amount of money they could make, Gen Xers mostly work to live, and millennials seek for meaningful work and something they can channel their creativity on. This is important to employers as this would be a way to cater to their employees in finding a position that fits their needs.

There are plenty more of ways to understand generational differences and this is just a piece of the puzzle. Have something to add? Comment down below to start a conversation on the subject to educate others and learn something new.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

5 Things Needed to Make an Organizational Culture

I have been working since the day I turned 16, from a fast-food worker to a barista. I currently work for one of the fastest growing and very successful fashion retailer in the world. Out of all my job experiences up until now, I can say that my current employer is the best one by far. Yes, the discount is awesome, but it's not only about that. From what I've experienced in retail, this company has one of the best organizational cultures that I've ever worked for and I can tell you why that it's needed.

1. Great Upper Management

Self explanatory

Not every manager that I've worked with has been the best, but there were a handful that I loved working for. I would work my hardest when those managers were scheduled because that was the best way to show my appreciation towards them and that appreciation was reciprocated with more hours and better shifts. A store with over 30 employees needs a great leader, one that shows appreciation, respects their employees, and has their back when the crazy out of control customer doesn't believe that they can't return their used bikini bottom and asks to speak to a manager.

2. Great Employees

Step Brothers gets me.

I pretty much dread the holiday season and Black Friday is my worst nightmare, but knowing that a store is staffed with well qualified and fun employees that I don't mind seeing throughout my week doesn't make it so bad. I have made some lifetime friends at work and it makes work feel less like 'work' when I genuinely enjoy being around my coworkers. And we all share the mutual hate for the holiday season.

3. Great Incentives/Benefits

Hot dogs or legs? I can't even tell.

Discounts and holiday parties are great, but I think most people like getting incentives for doing something right and often. It boosts moral and employees are grateful for the incentives. The company that I work for treats all of it's employees the same when it comes to it's benefits. Just because someone is only part-time doesn't mean they don't deserve or earn the same benefits as a full-timer or manager. It is important to have that work-life balance and this company understands that. Hell yes I want those vacation and wellness hours so I can lay by the beach and take "hot dogs or legs" Instagram photos!

4. Great Satisfaction

I wish, but the one I just got will do for now.

As a store, all employees are working towards the same goal and when the store hits that goal it feels like an accomplishment. There is some sort of satisfaction when working for a profitable company. When a store is successful that means more hours, raises, incentives, and promotions. I know that we aren't curing cancer or discovering a new planet, but it satisfies us as employees when we get our yearly raises and it's not like $0.10, ya feel?

5. Great Growth

Hello Mr. Gatsby.

The company that I work for is one of the fastest growing retailers in the world as of right now, which means those who are planning on staying with the company can grow exponentially. The company has only reached 21 countries with its online store and has a growth strategy to open up to more markets within the coming years. It's important for employees to feel like they aren't just doing a 'job,' as most want a career. There are many employees that have started out as seasonal and have grown to be a part of the district team. Even though I am not one of those seeking a promotion or to grow with the company it's great for those that are.

If you are seeking to grow with a company, try starting here with a list of the 10 Best Retail Companies to Work for as of Right Now, courtesy of Oh, and my company made the list.

And if you have any experiences that you would like to share, comment down below or Tweet me @herroboba.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

5 Ways a Dog Benefits Our Life

I have had many pets throughout my life, specifically dogs. They make great companions, cuddlers, and listeners... sometimes. I have never met a dog that I didn't like and I often find myself yelling "OH LOOK A PUPPY!" whenever I'm out driving or walking around the mall. What I love most about them is that they are always happy to see you come home, you will always feel loved, and they bring out the best in us, except for you Michael Vick. These animals have taught me very important things about life that no human could and are who I consider a part of my family.

Why do you need a dog, you ask? Here are the 5 ways a dog benefits our life.

1. Responsibility
If you decide to adopt a dog from a shelter or train a new puppy, it will take some responsibility on your end. Remember to take them on walks, fill up their food bowl, and make sure to play with them as often as you can. Also, do your own homework.

2. Loyalty
Dogs are loyal beings, they will always have your back even when you’re not around. Be loyal to those who have always had your back, family and close friends are always first.

3. Forgiveness
We have all been there when Fido decides to pee on the $500 rug instead of the nice green grass outside. Even though we are mad at them, they seem to be the ones forgiving us first. Remember to forgive others, even when they’re in the wrong. you’ll feel better about yourself for taking the high road.

4. Exercise Daily
We all love to cuddle with our furry babies, but dogs do need their exercise and so do you. Enjoy a brisk walk around the park or a swim at the beach.

5. Love Unconditionally
Pets and especially dogs make great companions, they add to our life, bring joy to our hearts, and expand our families. Learn to love unconditionally to those around you.

And if you are convinced that you need a dog in your life, come to the Grand Opening of Petco Unleashed in El Cajon on August 5th, 2015 where you there are many dogs up for adoption, fostering, or boarding a dog from The Barking Lot. A non-profit organization who helps rescue dogs in San Diego to find their permanent "barking spot." Please help our friends in need,

For more information: Visit
Follow us on Twitter: @UnleashedByPetco
Email us:

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Lush Blog: How to Have a Successful Adult Halloween Party

Ah, Fall has finally arrived and that means cozy sweaters, chilly nights, pumpkin spiced lattes, and HALLOWEEN. Whether you are a kid or an adult, Halloween is always a fun holiday to celebrate and there are many things to consider when prepping for the big night. So, if you have kids, put them to sleep and take the night off to celebrate this fine holiday.

At Lush, Fall is our favorite season and we love bringing back some special items, read more to find out about our seasonal products. Meanwhile, here is a lesson on the how to have a successful adult Halloween Party.

1. Plan out your costume 
Don't be the dude at the party without a costume and when someone asks, "Who are you supposed to be?" you answer, "Myself?" This is what the fun of Halloween is all about, being someone who you're not for the night and having a valid reason for it. Some of the best costumes are always well thought out, but also make sure that you aren't offending anyone with your costume.

50 Shades of Grey... Get it?

2. Decorate!
Get into the spirit of Halloween and decorate your house. There is nothing more awkward than going to a Halloween party and there are no decorations, otherwise it would just be a party. Set the mood with some dark lighting, cobwebs, and of course, carved pumpkins.

My house, last year.

3. Play some scary movie classics
There are endless amounts of scary movies, to set the theme make sure to play the classics like A Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, and The Shinning. Or, for the faint of heart, A Nightmare Before Christmas, Hocus Pocus, and The Addams Family.

RIP Wes Craven

4. If you're gonna eat candy, eat vegan candy
Our staff loves candy, but we also love being vegan. An awesome website called carries and sells natural, vegan, and healthy candy. You can browse through their entire inventory or if you know what you have in mind, just search for the type of candy you are looking for. Just because it's Halloween doesn't mean that your health goes out the door.

5. After all of the fun, take the time to relax and marvel at your success
Planning a party is hard, planning a Halloween party is harder. To regain your strength, make sure to unwind with a bath bomb from Lush. This month, Lush has a seasonal Pumpkin Spiced Bath Bomb, it's the perfect blend of pumpkin, cinnamon, vanilla, and oatmeal. Available here.

To find out more information, visit our website:
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram to get the latest news @lushusa

If you have anything to add to our list, drop us a comment down below.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

How to Step Up Your Eyebrow Game

Our eyebrows frame our face, they allow us to show emotion, and can drastically change the way we look. I will teach you how to up your eyebrow game faster than you can say "Cara Delevingne."

Step 1: Determine what brow shape you want
High, arch, defined, thick, smooth, thin, tadpoles? Take into consideration your face shape. Oval shaped faces look best with a curved arch or round shaped faces like myself look best with defined brows.

Step 2: Grooming
Keep those babies tamed and fresh by visiting your preferred method of grooming. Threading keeps them nice and clean, but is an eight out of ten on the pain scale. Waxing is quick, but just as painful. Make sure to tweeze those stubborn hairs that sprout up between sessions. Also, trim them from getting unruly. I prefer going to the Benefit Brow Bar where waxing eyebrows is their specialty. Do some eras reach to find the best place for you.

Step 3: Pick Your Weapon of Choice
Determine what product that you would like to use. Find and watch tutorials on YouTube to get an idea of brow products that are out there. It ranges from brow gels, pomade, pencils, powders, and brushes. I prefer using brow powders for a defined look and a pencil when I'm on one of my lazy days.

Step 4: Practice, YouTube, Practice
I can not stress the beauty of YouTube, it's an awesome resource for someone new to the eyebrow game. When you find someone that is helpful to your cause, make sure you practice. Girlfriend, I know you're not going to get it down on the first try. Some things to consider when giving it a go the first time.

  • Color: Make sure you find a pigment close to your hair color. Sometimes colors are too red, ashy, or dark.
  • Use a light hand: especially when using a pencil it's hard to be lighter handed, using small strokes to keep it looking as natural as possible.
  • Eyebrows are sisters, not twins: so what if you can't get them perfect. Just make sure both are looking Gucci; not Walmart.
  • Invest in a spooly brush: it makes a difference brushing the hairs so they stay into pace and blends the product so much better.
  • Take your time: Rome wasn't built in a day, neither were your eyebrows.

Step 5: Take Risks and Have Fun

I can’t remember how many times I’ve messed up my eyebrows. From bad wax jobs to accidentally shaving half of one off. It’s okay, they’ll grow back. Over draw them or dye them pink

Monday, August 10, 2015

Suiting Up with Enrique

Last week I had a little chat with Enrique Juarez (who also happens to be my boyfriend) about his success after graduating from college with a degree in economics. He is currently a Personal Banker at U.S. Bank and is ranked in the top 5% for sales volume in his entire region of California and Nevada. Enrique did have some struggles job searching after graduating college, like most people, but he remained positive and he eventually found something in his field.

 Look at him all suited up.

I find that most people in college or new graduates are having trouble jumping off into their careers. For me, it's fear of not succeeding in what I'm venturing off in and not finding a stable position, but Enrique has given me some pieces of advice that are very helpful.

Some key take-aways from Enrique:

  • Learn how to talk to people...because you're gonna have to.
  • "If you want attention, do something. If you want respect, do something well."
  • Apply yourself and persevere. If you really want something, work towards it and don't give up.
  • Don't quit your day job, but still do the things that you love. (i.e. photography, writing, music)
Along with his success in his career, he has also found success through social media. With almost 30k followers on Instagram and over 15k followers on Tumblr, Enrique has found social media as a fun tool to show off his photography and writing talent.

Same photo, but with a little more likes.

To listen to the full podcast, find me on iTunes at Christina Boba
Or follow me on Twitter and Instagram @herroboba

If you would like to connect with Enrique, follow him on Instagram and Tumblr @dopeboyrico

Thanks for listening and leave a comment down below!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

5 Ways a Dog Can Teach Us About Life

I have had many pets throughout my life, specifically dogs. They make great companions, cuddlers, and listeners... sometimes. I have never met a dog that I didn't like and I often find myself yelling "OH LOOK A PUPPY!" whenever I'm out driving or walking around the mall. What I love most about them is that they are always happy to see you come home, you will always feel loved, and they bring out the best in us, except for you Michael Vick. These animals have taught me very important things about life that no human could and are who I consider a part of my family.

Why do you need a dog, you ask? Here are the 5 ways a dog can teach us about life.

1. Responsibility

2. Loyalty

3. Forgiveness

4. Exercise Daily

5. Love Unconditionally 

And if you are convinced that you need a dog in your life come to the Grand Opening of Petco Unleashed in El Cajon on August 5th, 2015 where you can choose to adopt, foster, or board a dog from The Barking Lot, a non-profit organization who helps dogs find their permanent "barking spot."

For more information: Visit
Follow us on Twitter: @UnleashedByPetco
Email us: