Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My 5 Favorite Motivational Quotes

As a full time student working my way through college, I have thought countless times of giving up. There were times that everything that could go wrong went wrong all at once. I have been late on car payments, late on school work, and failed an important test. At one point I had negative in my bank account and had to resort to selling my old clothes and live off of cup-of-noodles until I got paid for two weeks. In order for me to get through those tough college times I read and watched motivational speeches and books. I would say those were the lowest points in my life so far. It could have been worse, but it also could have been prevented.

I have listed 5 of my favorite motivational quotes in no particular order, hopefully they could be of use to others as they were to me.

During those times of struggle I was thinking that nothing was going to turn around for me. Thinking negatively not only affects myself, but also the work that I was producing. Until I realized that what I am projecting was not good for me or for me work.

This quote by Janet Mock hits home pretty well. When I graduated from high school I had no idea what I wanted to do. Out of nowhere I decided to study pharmacy, the only thing that drew me to that field was money. I wasn't thinking about if I would enjoy being a pharmacist, just the aspect of money. It wasn't until I got through two semesters that I realized I hated what I was doing. My advice is to choose time being spent wisely, because it cannot be given back.

I love C.S. Lewis, a wonderful author and a man who knows whats up. Like I he says, if I could get through hardships in life like late car payments, failing grades, and a negative bank account, what comes after those struggles are greater accomplishments.

Pursuing a dream can be scary, not knowing the outcome of success is enough for some to take an easier road. I commend those who are able to say "eff it" and chase a dream. Even though I have not yet done that, I am still working up the courage to do so. Thanks to Walt Disney for being the man of making dreams happen.

I don't know who wrote this quote, but it is pretty accurate. I would hate to being doing something with my life that I wasn't proud of or embarrassed to say I was doing. Creating that life is not supposed to be easy, but I'm completely fine with working up to that lifestyle I want to achieve.

If you have any motivational quotes that have helped you get through some hardships, comment below!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Understanding Generational Differences in the Workforce

The workforce is a mix of generations from millennials to baby boomers, it is a challenge but also an opportunity for companies. Take into consideration the differences between generations, communication styles, work habits, and what motivates them to succeed. Some of these differences can cause challenges and sometimes resistance, but it is important for companies to understand them and be flexible with their multigenerational employees.

Here are a few ways to understand generational differences in the workforce:

Avoid Stereotypes especially the negative ones. There are many stereotypes regarding the feeling of entitlement from millennials, the stubbornness from baby boomers to learn new technology, and the lack of team effort from Gen Xers. Just because these stereotypes are out there does not make them all true. This is important to employers as stereotypes can be false and something that they shouldn't consider when hiring or categorizing employees.

Learn their communication styles. Millennials are known for being constantly connected and prefer to text and email over the traditional phone call while their counter part of baby boomers tend to pick up the phone or talk face-to-face. Gen Xers sway between the two of choosing to either talk on the phone or through email. Knowing each generations communication style is important because it will show effort on the employers part

Find out what motivates them. Each generation work for different reasons. Baby boomers are motivated by the amount of money they could make, Gen Xers mostly work to live, and millennials seek for meaningful work and something they can channel their creativity on. This is important to employers as this would be a way to cater to their employees in finding a position that fits their needs.

There are plenty more of ways to understand generational differences and this is just a piece of the puzzle. Have something to add? Comment down below to start a conversation on the subject to educate others and learn something new.